The Palace is located in the center of Rome surrounded Via Monte Giordano, via di Panico and via de Coronari.
It has been build in the XV th century as a fortress and was formerly the residence of the Orsini family, one of the most influential princely families in medieval times. From the fortress the Orsini’s dominated the entire bank area of the Tiber.
In 1545 the Palazzo was sold to the cardinal Ippolito D’Este who lived there creating many social and cultural events, giving hospitality to the famous literary men as Torquato Tasso and many more.
Later on at the beginning of the XVII th century the Palazzo was bought by the Gabrielli family who gave the Palazzo his present aspect. Cardinal Bonaparte and the famous poet Gioacchino Belli lived in it.
The entrance of Palazzo Taverna has an emposing escarpment wall dating back to the XVI th century considered the work of Baldassarre Peruzzi (1481-1536). The great entrance gate leads to a courtyard dominated by a XVII th century beautiful fountain, work of Antonio Casoni (1618). In it’s interior, in the “piano nobile” you can find a great collection of important paintings as the Sebastiano Ricci, Rosa da Tivoli, etc.
The last change of property was around 1888 in favor of the Taverna family, a Milanese aristocratic and rich family. Rinaldo Taverna, the son of Ludovico, who was nominated governor of Rome signed up as an official and in 1870 entered in Rome from Porta Pia, giving his contribute to the unification of Italy. Rinaldo had married a roman princess Lavinia Boncompagni Ludovisi and together they decided Palazzo Taverna as their residential house.
Nowdays the Palazzo is still the residential house of the family.